Top 3 beauty treatments to try before summer

To make the most of summer, to enjoy the sun, the sea and the beautiful days, it’s important to prepare your skin and body. It’s not just a question of aesthetics, but also of personal well-being. So what are the beauty treatments you need to enjoy a beautiful summer? For radiant skin, a toned body and impeccable feet, here are 3 beauty treatments you must try before summer.

Intensive moisturizing care

To counter the heat of summer and exposure to the sun, it’s advisable to preserve your skin. And there’s nothing better than an intensive moisturizing treatment. This can take the form of a mask, a cream enriched with hyaluronic acid or special treatments at an institute. In other words, this treatment helps retain water in the cells, giving a plumped, luminous appearance.

Exfoliation: for soft, tanning-ready skin

This treatment is important to prepare the skin for an even tan. By removing dead cells, it leaves skin totally soft, smooth and more receptive to skin care products. There are two types of exfoliants: mechanical scrubs and chemical peels. This type of skin care is ideal for getting a perfect tan and an even complexion. And you can see more if it’s performed in a specialized beauty salon.

Anti-aging skin care: to protect skin from the sun

Long exposure to the sun accelerates skin aging. To protect your skin during the summer, it’s best to invest in an anti-aging treatment rich in antioxidants. When followed up at an institute, the results are even more visible and the skin is better prepared for summer exposure.

About Olivia Faure

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